Saturday, December 14, 2013

Phenibut - Health Supplement Wholesalers

Phenibut is one of the best known anti-anxiety supplements, and many users describe it as the most effective they have ever tried.

Phenibut is a GABAergic drug like alcohol or GHB, though its hardly recreational.  It takes effect in 3-4 hours and leaves a nice smooth buzz that lingers, even into the next day.  You wont get high on it, there is no impairment, just a mildly sedated, happy mood.

Because of the volume of an effective dose (750-2000mg) I prefer to dissolve it in water with a dose of inositol.  These seem to have a euphoric synergy thats quite pleasant.

However, I'd be irresponsible if I didn't warn you of the nature of GABAergic drugs.  They are habit forming, and once a habit forms, you will get withdrawal symptoms.  As phenibut is too weak to be anything more than practical, withdrawal is very mild but still possible..  Keeping use to once or twice a week lets your receptors regulate back to regular sensitivity so you can continue to use.

I mentioned the supplier in the article name because I wasn't even intending to test phenibut at first,  but while on their website they had a sale so convincing I felt stupid not to buy.  Many of the common supplements I own and test have come from there, and that's why I've listed them in the sidebar since this site's inception

Friday, December 6, 2013

L Theanine

A bit underwhelming compared to inositol or picamilon, but theanine comes without the emotional effects of either.

L Theanine is the other half of the study stack of choice for many users.  It gives a calm focus that stacks well with a stimulant such as caffeine in an equal dose.  Because of the myriad of substances I use, this doesn't do much that another substance wont do, but if you have racing thoughts throughout the day or trouble concentrating on mental tasks, then theanine absolutely can help you.

This post is so short because its really one of the more plain substances.  No interesting interactions besides the commonly recommended study stack of pairing it with caffeine, and often times piracetam or similar.
Cheap, and best bought in bulk.  Its an extremely fine powder with a slightly sweet taste.

I definitely recommend it to those with general anxiety or symptoms of stress.  However, it doesn't work well at all for those suffering from social anxiety.

Rather than giving those people what is often an equally-crippling drug-crutch I wish they would just put them on a reasonable program of TRT.

Next time:  Suggested use of Yohimbine HCL: what to take along with it, precautions, etc.  Winter is coming, and some of us may be cutting still.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Within the next week, I'll have finished testing some of the new products.
In most likely order, the next posts will be:
Yohimbine HCL
Preworkout combination explanation, including several new supplements.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Picamilon is a supplement that first gained significant popularity around the middle of last year.  Around October, I bought 25 grams for about $14 because of its ever-touted anti-anxiety effects.  While I did eventually get the desired effect, what ensued immediately after dosage was intense and unexpected.

The first time I used it, I took 150mg dissolved in water.  Within a few hours, all of my confidence was gone and I was constantly on the verge of tears.  I slept it off and tried again the next night. This time the crippling was about 25% as intense. After that, I felt the anxiety-relieving effects, but I really had no need for them.

The bad side effects seem limited to only my experience. In theory, It should trigger a GABA-like response, relieving anxiety  Picamilon is a bonded form of GABA and Niacin, which is separated into its main components upon crossing the blood-brain barrier.  The blood-brain barrier is all important in any drug's efficacy, if it is supposed to act on the brain.

It has widespread use in Russia, where it is prescribed as a treatment for stroke recovery, senile psychosis, alcohol cessation, acute alcohol poisoning, migraines, depression, some cerebral blood flow issues, and certain types of glaucoma.

As far as I can tell, my experience is fairly unique.  Out of the 30+ times I have taken it, the depression and extreme lethargy has happened 6 or 7 times.  The way it works in most people is as a fast acting mild anxiolytic.  It has less addiction/tolerance problems than phenibut, and if all you want is a dulled reality instead of light intoxication, Picamilon will probably work well for you.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


In less than 10 days since I released the link to this page on /fit/, we've passed 1000 views.  Current count is at 1018.

Thanks for your views, everyone. Tell your friends, and like the page at

Request a topic or make a suggestion anytime.  Updates will come every 1-2 days for the foreseeable future.

Thanks again, /fit/

Friday, November 8, 2013

Schizandrol A

This is the first post about something that isn't typically used for studying or learning, though some do and claim that it has a calming effect that also enhances focus.  In my time with schizandrol A, I experienced nothing of the sort.

Schizandrol A is commonly used to enhance/increase the effects of other stimulants because of its adaptogenic qualities.  While I have not done this myself, some say that when taken with relaxing agents, schizandrol potentiates those too.  This effect is most often mentioned when the commenter is using whole plant extract, not just isolated compound A.

Last year my stimulant stack for my preworkout included a dose of it, along with yohimbine hcl when fasted, PEA, caffeine, and other  compounds.  The common effect I noticed when schizandrol was used with the other ingredients was that for several hours, my pupils constantly dilated and contracted.  I wasnt aware of it until I noticed it in a mirror after someone told me.  By process of elimination, I figured out that Schizandrol was the cause. This effect had a direct relationship with how much or little I used. At higher dosages, my iris was turned into a thin blue striped band around a quivering black spot when dilated.

When asked for my opinion on what ingredients are best for a preworkout blend if someone wants the pump and a stimulating rush; I responded with the following list

Beta alanine
Creatine, optional

After recommending this on /fit/ 2 years ago, someone accused me of stealing Jack3d's formula.

After looking up what it actually was, it turned out they were right.  Though part of its legend has come from its lack of availabity, being the "One pwo to rule them all" according to many, Jack3d original was very well done.

Before I could mix and match it with some of my newer purchases, I lost the sachet of powder.  This is a definite reorder for me.  I'll be trying it alongside DMAA for the first time soon.

Now would be a good time to mention that nothing I say should be taken as law, all your decisions should be researched beyond the general overview I provide, and none of this constitutes medical advice.  Happy lifting.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


This is one of my favorites in the racetam family.

It has very prosocial effects, and noticeably increases my working memory.  For lecture classes, it feels like I'm back in highschool when I could get away without notes.  That said, I take even better notes when I use Oxi.

Oxi is semi famous for its stimulant effect.  Lower doses give the same creative mindset that Piracetam does, but higher doses can be too much for some people who are sensitive to stimulants. You're still creative and functioning at a high level, but the impulsiveness can get out of hand when paired with other stimulants. This morning before writing this, I left accounting class with 3 diagrams for inventions and most of a database written for a project, along with acing both quizzes in class.  You get an incredible ability to change your train of thought at any given time, and your thinking process is elevated as with any racetam.

Looking into the studies done on oxiracetam, data shows that it is most effective on hippocampally mediated functions, such as consolidation information to short and long term memory, and spatial reasoning/navigation.

Final Verdict

Social Effects:  Better social ability in general
Learning effect: Better creation of memory, items learned are retained almost perfectly
Cost Factor:  Relatively high cost, best used when needed.  About 30cents per dose, which adds up quickly.
Effective Time: Oxiracetam sets in fairly quickly, and you will usually feel it. My threshold is about half a gram, and it takes about this much to have an actual effect too. A dose of 2 grams is fairly intense and impressive as far as you ability to process and memorize even abstract information
Best Features: Heightened focus, more fun socially, easy memory.
X- Factor: It tastes sweet! Also synergizes well with Noopept+Rhodiola

Monday, November 4, 2013


Simply lifechanging.  For those familiar with anabolic steroids, this is the halotestin of the racetam family It is powerful and reliable.  If you take it when you need it, and you get what you want.  If you want something motivating, non addictive, and energizing, then there isn't a replacement for phenylpiracetam.

My first dose was about 200mg, and in a short amount of time, I could feel that my thinking was different.  Every decision had a confident snap to it.  My personality turned into high energy and hyperactive type, which is a huge variation for me.  On the way back up to my apartment, I caught myself dancing in the elevator.  One of my very few rules in life is that I do not dance, not even to save my life.  No movements that I can make should even be called dancing, that's an insult to more talented dancers than I, such as 2013 Miley Cyrus.

This helps with crunch-time studying, and is best taken with rhodiola and noopept in my experience.  These combine for a high-energy focus that helps you retain nearly everything.

Supplementing with this greatly intensifies motivation, and because of that I advise that it be used sparingly, and at critical times.  It has an energizing effect, and is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Final Verdict

Social Effects: Irritability.
Learning effect: Motivational, but a bit erratic.  Learn to focus and this is quite a tool
Cost Factor: Can cost as much as $1 per dose (200mg)
Effective Time: Very noticeable energizing effect.  Onset varies with meal timing, but is quick
Best Features: Increased endurance, resistance to cold, very energizing.

Mine was purchased from Liftmode.  Their link is in the "Trusted" box in the sidebar, for good reason.  Good prices and real products.  They also let you pay through your amazon account.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rhodiola Rosea

This was first brought to my attention by an Anon on /fit/ as part of a list of supplements he took for recovery.  I looked into it a bit, and it seemed interesting, with good bang for your buck.
I found that seven double blind clinical studies, Rhodiola Rosea dosing was found to definitely decrease fatigue with a notable potency. 4 studies show that it raises cognition and subjective level of well being. It can lower depression and the rate of perceived exertion. Also lowers lactate production, stress, and muscle damage.

Usually the anecdote I give along with this is how I felt so good after my heavy day on bench that I did a speed set and managed 225x12 at the end.  Its a feelgood supplement and is incredibly cheap, especially considering the effect.  Besides muscle endurance under strain, there is also a notable increase to attention and focus endurance under strain.  As long as my motivation stays high, I can continue focusing on one topic for extended periods of time, regardless of lack of sleep or interest level.

I'm planning to test its effectiveness soon (a study measuring the increase in number of pushups to failure from trial to trial). Even though the sample size will be small, something quantifiable is useful.  If you have it yourself and want to contribute, please do so: there is a contact form at the bottom of the page for this sort of thing.

Final Verdict

Social Effects:  Not much is noticeable here, besides longer attention span and greater interest in other people.
Learning effect: Most of its benefit towards learning is produced buy its anti-fatigue effects and ability to extend attention span.
Cost Factor: Can be gotten as cheap as $3 per ounce, though there is no guarantee of potency.  what you buy in precapsulated for will be standardized for rosavins and other helpful chemicals.  The raw powder works well as a small part of an herb rub for grilled chicken.
Effective Time: Not specifically known or that noticeable. It tends to come on steadily rather than "hit," but the effects are actively noticeable. Sort of an energizing effect.
Best Features: works like a +5% buff to most of your body and psyche

Friday, November 1, 2013


Ephedra, a plant containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, has been in Chinese medicine for over 5000 years.  The substance we use for mental effects is Ephedrine, a stimulant of the andrenergic system.  Its use increases noradrenaline's activity at the receptors.  In other words, skipping over the science, ephedrine gives you more energy, counteracts muscle wasting and keeps you more awake.  In America, its available to adults over the counter at up to 9 grams of ephedrine per 30 day period.  In terms of 60 tablet boxes of bronkaid, this is the equivalent of 6 boxes per month, so you really shouldn't have any worries about limited availability.  The FDA declared all weightloss products containing ephedrine alkaloids "adulterated" and therefore banned, while antiasthmatic and other respiratory products with ephedrine are still allowed for sale, just with the restrictions given above

A few warnings I have to give with ephedrine: don't consider using it if you have any sort of heart condition, oversensitivity to stimulants, if you are pregnant, or if you are on antidepressants.

Ephedrine is often used as part of an EC or ECY stack, the C and Y being caffeine and yohimbine hcl.  The dosage, frequency, and run time advice can be found on other sites with airtight liability disclaimers, unlike this one. Ill be covering this, and whatever findings I have from combining it with chromium picolinate, an insulin mimetic, and octopamine, a fat loss agent, in a later post.

As for my experience with ephedrine, It may be my favorite stimulant.
On its own it increases aggression and decreases reaction time, but when paired with piracetam, the aggression seems mitigated to being socially useful rather than intrusive or disruptive.  and EP stack is probably the most basic and cheapest enhancement someone can make to their life, especially if they feel that they are the type who over-thinks social situations to the point where they are disadvantaged.  By all account, adding intelligence to the impulsiveness brought on by ephedrine will make you feel and appear more "Alpha"
This is the reason its one of the template stacks that I recommend on /fit/ the most often.  The dosage that most people use is about 50-75mg a day, spread out.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The oldest, most common, and most likely safest stimulant to use.

In modern western society, even below the age of 10 children have caffeine tolerances built up from sodas and sweet tea.  At some point in your life, you have ingested caffeine in some way.

The most interesting facet of caffeine's action on the body is that it is both lipid and water soluble, so that it permeates the blood brain barrier very efficiently.

Its less important to understand the biology behind caffeine as it is to understand which dosages do what.  200-300 mg dosage is handy for a few hours of good focus. above 500mg, GABA transmission is inhibited in a significant way, and above 1000mg, usually severe irritability and intensified anxiety occurs.  Dosages from 2-3.6 grams will cause toxicity in a 200 pound adult.

Benefits of caffeine supplementation:
Increased anaerobic capacity
Increased power output
Anti fatigue effects
Slight increase in testosterone (12% on average with 250mg taken before workout)
Increased metabolic rate (EC stack and its variants will be detailed later)

While there are many more benefits and a few insignificant drawbacks in training, it has a few mental benefits.  The anti fatigue effects help attention span and GABA inhibition helps prevent sleepiness.

Caffeine is a fairly tame stimulant overall, so I have no extreme stories to report. Personally I use it as a base for most of my dosing protocols, along with piracetam.  For sleep avoidance, I line up dosages of stimulants so that there is an immediate and continued effect.  Phenylethylamine, a fast acting neurotransmitter; Caffeine, to take over after the PEA wears off, and then Adrafninil, which begins to kick in as the caffeine edge dulls.

Final Verdict

Caffeine is always a buy and a must have for anyone* with any goal. It is dirt cheap and incredibly versatile.

*Do not use if you have a history of heart problems, as stimulants can exacerbate arrhythmia and other conditions.  Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulants can also cause heart palpitations, a scary occurrence. Always keep dosage within reason, and know yourself very well.

Saturday, October 26, 2013



The oldest, best known, and most widely used of the -racetam family.

Before I review my experience using it over the past year, I'll list the facts.
Piracetam is prescribed as treatment for a variety of things, including Myoclonus.  Besides this use, it has been shown to be therapeutically effective in people with dyslexia, victims of strokes, alcoholics suffering withdrawal syndrome, and even for healthy people.  Piracetam's specific method of action is unknown, but what you need to know is that it increases communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain by increasing activity in the corpus callosum, the connective bridge between the hemispheres. Also increases bloodflow and calorie expenditure of the brain while having anti-aging effects.
If you are just looking for final judgement, skip to the last section.

Anecdotal Data

I remember the first day I tried piracetam quite clearly, along with nearly every other day that I used it.  I picked up the package around 1:30 and ran back to my dorm, eager to try it after all the research I had put into my purchase.

I took 1 pill and felt the mood and language effects shortly after.  I was happier, colors were brighter, and even conversations felt rewarding. Before my dreaded mandatory liberal arts class, I decided to try the attack dose method I had read about, so my total dosage went to 2400mg.

Usually in that class I recorded the professors voice and made sense of what he said later, but after piracetam, I had no need to record him or decipher what he said at all. The class was supposed to be Film 110, a very basic arts class about movies and themes, but he turned it into a media arts class, discussing power structures in society, panopticism in social media culture, and requiring tweeting as part of our grade.  Students muddled and muttered through most of his lectures and assignments, and we all hoped desperately for a curve.  But that day after the attack dosage, his abstractions made more sense and I could actually see the points he was trying to make, no matter how irrelevant to class they were.  So naturally it became part of my daily routine.
Where piracetam saved me was my logic class.  Philosophy 110 had the highest fail rate of any class offered at the entire university, averaging around 83% failure or withdrawal. The professor I took, while being a very cool guy, had a 93% fail rate. The class was also structured into 8 weeks, 2 classes per week, 3 hours per class. No partial credit given on anything, ever, no exceptions.
It began with 47 students and ended with just 8 of us, one being a brilliant Vietnamese guy who had a 105 average but was so dyslexic I had to help him find and open his mailbox on 3 separate occasions. Only He, myself, and 3 others managed to pass the class. In 3 weeks I went from struggling with tautologies to speeding through coursework in 10 hour chunks every week.

Final Verdict

Social Effects:  Words seem to flow, confidence is higher. Produces a good combination of leadership and friendliness. Definitely more creative.
Learning effect:  Better creation of memory, items learned are retained almost perfectly even while not using.
Cost Factor:  Whole Kilograms( over a year's supply) can be on your doorstep in days for about 60$. reliable cost scale is 500 grams for around $40, whole kilo for $60. at this price point theres very little reason to not use it, and its best to order bulk rather than the 125gram samples offered by some sites for about $12 on average.
Effective Time: piracetam kicks in fairly quickly, though you may not always feel it.  The half-life is about 4 to 5 hours, from experience and everything I have read, and my subjective threshold is about half a gram, though amounts less than this will have effect. A dose of 2 grams could be felt as long as or longer than 10 hours.
Best Features: Heightened focus, and sharper memory.
X- Factor: In my experience, Piracetam intensifies everything: happiness, marijuana, alcohol, and all other nootropics.

Your powder should have the consistency and texture of fine sugar, a slight clumping nature, and a bitter taste. Best taken mixed in water with creatine to taste, or in capsules.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Welcome to the website dedicated to the supplement industry and all the disinformation in it.  I'll give my opinions and research on any topic requested of me,  but when I'm left alone, I'll be churning out articles on Nootropics and other fringe supplements.

I founded this site because every day there was a conversation on my favorite forum about nootropics, and every day we'd get more and more people wanting to learn, but with no place to reliably find the knowledge.

I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I will.

If you have any questions, requests, goodies, or source tips for me, reach me at