Thursday, November 7, 2013


This is one of my favorites in the racetam family.

It has very prosocial effects, and noticeably increases my working memory.  For lecture classes, it feels like I'm back in highschool when I could get away without notes.  That said, I take even better notes when I use Oxi.

Oxi is semi famous for its stimulant effect.  Lower doses give the same creative mindset that Piracetam does, but higher doses can be too much for some people who are sensitive to stimulants. You're still creative and functioning at a high level, but the impulsiveness can get out of hand when paired with other stimulants. This morning before writing this, I left accounting class with 3 diagrams for inventions and most of a database written for a project, along with acing both quizzes in class.  You get an incredible ability to change your train of thought at any given time, and your thinking process is elevated as with any racetam.

Looking into the studies done on oxiracetam, data shows that it is most effective on hippocampally mediated functions, such as consolidation information to short and long term memory, and spatial reasoning/navigation.

Final Verdict

Social Effects:  Better social ability in general
Learning effect: Better creation of memory, items learned are retained almost perfectly
Cost Factor:  Relatively high cost, best used when needed.  About 30cents per dose, which adds up quickly.
Effective Time: Oxiracetam sets in fairly quickly, and you will usually feel it. My threshold is about half a gram, and it takes about this much to have an actual effect too. A dose of 2 grams is fairly intense and impressive as far as you ability to process and memorize even abstract information
Best Features: Heightened focus, more fun socially, easy memory.
X- Factor: It tastes sweet! Also synergizes well with Noopept+Rhodiola

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