Friday, November 1, 2013


Ephedra, a plant containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, has been in Chinese medicine for over 5000 years.  The substance we use for mental effects is Ephedrine, a stimulant of the andrenergic system.  Its use increases noradrenaline's activity at the receptors.  In other words, skipping over the science, ephedrine gives you more energy, counteracts muscle wasting and keeps you more awake.  In America, its available to adults over the counter at up to 9 grams of ephedrine per 30 day period.  In terms of 60 tablet boxes of bronkaid, this is the equivalent of 6 boxes per month, so you really shouldn't have any worries about limited availability.  The FDA declared all weightloss products containing ephedrine alkaloids "adulterated" and therefore banned, while antiasthmatic and other respiratory products with ephedrine are still allowed for sale, just with the restrictions given above

A few warnings I have to give with ephedrine: don't consider using it if you have any sort of heart condition, oversensitivity to stimulants, if you are pregnant, or if you are on antidepressants.

Ephedrine is often used as part of an EC or ECY stack, the C and Y being caffeine and yohimbine hcl.  The dosage, frequency, and run time advice can be found on other sites with airtight liability disclaimers, unlike this one. Ill be covering this, and whatever findings I have from combining it with chromium picolinate, an insulin mimetic, and octopamine, a fat loss agent, in a later post.

As for my experience with ephedrine, It may be my favorite stimulant.
On its own it increases aggression and decreases reaction time, but when paired with piracetam, the aggression seems mitigated to being socially useful rather than intrusive or disruptive.  and EP stack is probably the most basic and cheapest enhancement someone can make to their life, especially if they feel that they are the type who over-thinks social situations to the point where they are disadvantaged.  By all account, adding intelligence to the impulsiveness brought on by ephedrine will make you feel and appear more "Alpha"
This is the reason its one of the template stacks that I recommend on /fit/ the most often.  The dosage that most people use is about 50-75mg a day, spread out.

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