Friday, November 8, 2013

Schizandrol A

This is the first post about something that isn't typically used for studying or learning, though some do and claim that it has a calming effect that also enhances focus.  In my time with schizandrol A, I experienced nothing of the sort.

Schizandrol A is commonly used to enhance/increase the effects of other stimulants because of its adaptogenic qualities.  While I have not done this myself, some say that when taken with relaxing agents, schizandrol potentiates those too.  This effect is most often mentioned when the commenter is using whole plant extract, not just isolated compound A.

Last year my stimulant stack for my preworkout included a dose of it, along with yohimbine hcl when fasted, PEA, caffeine, and other  compounds.  The common effect I noticed when schizandrol was used with the other ingredients was that for several hours, my pupils constantly dilated and contracted.  I wasnt aware of it until I noticed it in a mirror after someone told me.  By process of elimination, I figured out that Schizandrol was the cause. This effect had a direct relationship with how much or little I used. At higher dosages, my iris was turned into a thin blue striped band around a quivering black spot when dilated.

When asked for my opinion on what ingredients are best for a preworkout blend if someone wants the pump and a stimulating rush; I responded with the following list

Beta alanine
Creatine, optional

After recommending this on /fit/ 2 years ago, someone accused me of stealing Jack3d's formula.

After looking up what it actually was, it turned out they were right.  Though part of its legend has come from its lack of availabity, being the "One pwo to rule them all" according to many, Jack3d original was very well done.

Before I could mix and match it with some of my newer purchases, I lost the sachet of powder.  This is a definite reorder for me.  I'll be trying it alongside DMAA for the first time soon.

Now would be a good time to mention that nothing I say should be taken as law, all your decisions should be researched beyond the general overview I provide, and none of this constitutes medical advice.  Happy lifting.


  1. an idea for an article, you could list all the different racetams - ani,oxi,prami,phenyl etc
    and then go into detail about them like make a list under each one about the main points, for example
    half life, whether its fat or water soluble, average price, how much to take first time to test the effects for example, or what dosages at what times of the day, how long before studying or before tests or when going out if that racetam has pro-social effects, etc
    just list racetams and like brief details, that are important. or smth..

  2. People HATE reading long extended posts, and I won't review anything I haven't tried myself. That's why there may be a short delay soon, waiting for an order to come in.

    I do list a lot of the things you mentioned, but the first time dose is a good idea, I'll be adding that.
