Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Picamilon is a supplement that first gained significant popularity around the middle of last year.  Around October, I bought 25 grams for about $14 because of its ever-touted anti-anxiety effects.  While I did eventually get the desired effect, what ensued immediately after dosage was intense and unexpected.

The first time I used it, I took 150mg dissolved in water.  Within a few hours, all of my confidence was gone and I was constantly on the verge of tears.  I slept it off and tried again the next night. This time the crippling was about 25% as intense. After that, I felt the anxiety-relieving effects, but I really had no need for them.

The bad side effects seem limited to only my experience. In theory, It should trigger a GABA-like response, relieving anxiety  Picamilon is a bonded form of GABA and Niacin, which is separated into its main components upon crossing the blood-brain barrier.  The blood-brain barrier is all important in any drug's efficacy, if it is supposed to act on the brain.

It has widespread use in Russia, where it is prescribed as a treatment for stroke recovery, senile psychosis, alcohol cessation, acute alcohol poisoning, migraines, depression, some cerebral blood flow issues, and certain types of glaucoma.

As far as I can tell, my experience is fairly unique.  Out of the 30+ times I have taken it, the depression and extreme lethargy has happened 6 or 7 times.  The way it works in most people is as a fast acting mild anxiolytic.  It has less addiction/tolerance problems than phenibut, and if all you want is a dulled reality instead of light intoxication, Picamilon will probably work well for you.

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