Friday, November 9, 2018

Doped Supplements

We've all heard of professional athletes failing WADA/USADA tests and blaming the failure on corrupt supplements that they've taken, and in a few cases this has been legit. You can pop for clenbuterol by eating beef from Mexico, for example, and this is an actual proven occurence, but you wont fail an epitestosterone ratio test because your Creatine is Chinese.

Remember when JACK3D was going for $100 a tub after it was banned from sale because a few guys took 6 scoops in the Afghanistan heat and died?

Ideally, you'd want to make a private label supplement and sell it privately, through forums, Facebook groups, limited promotion, etc.  This batch would be adultered with whatever compound you want to use, like if you put crushed benadryl in a sleep aid or put a little turinabol in some ostarine caps.  After these compromised items have become known as incredibly effective and have sold out, you'd coordinate rumors about your supplements being stronger than what's on the label.  List clean batches of the items on Ebay under an unrelated account for an exorbitant cost and essentially scam people who want those doped goods.

This is far easier than creating and maintaining an actual supplement line.

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