Thursday, October 11, 2018

Best Fat Loss Protocol

After my DNP cycle, to be covered soon, something else fell into my lap.  After some serious research and tweaking, I was amazed at the results.

I had been taking Helios (Injectible Clenbuterol and Yohimbine) along with a few peptides and I saw tremendous water shedding at first, but then striations and definition that stayed when I was off of clen, and I was feeling great the whole time.  The key drugs for this protocol were:

  • Melanotan 2, low daily dosage (125-250mcg each morning)
  • MK677 (15-25mg/day)
  • Helios 
  • CJC1295 w/ DAC, 5mg spread out over 1 month
Melanotan is a significant agonist of melanocortin receptors which have a bizarre array of effects, from prosocial behaviors to appetite control and suppression. This fully negated the hunger from MK677 and is below the threshold that causes intestinal distress like many people see. 

With the high growth hormone from MK677 combined with the ability to fast while using it, that alone is pretty fantastic. When combined with CJC1295, you get the "bleed" type release of growth hormone, which contrary to popular belief is not bad, along with the 12 spikes per day of MK677. 

With these above, you will do pretty well, but given that you are already fasting and have high GH levels, the best thing to add would be some effective stimulants.  Enter: Helios. 

Injecting clenbuterol is much more effective mcg for mcg, so a dose would be lower than oral by a factor of 4 to start with.  The Yohimbine is a perfect combination with this, so Helios works on beta and alpha adrenergic receptors so fat mobility is massively increased. 

The changes I got from this were the kind you notice every 2 days, you're full of energy all the time and your appetite is so low you're able to choose what you eat with excellent control. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Adaptogen Supplements in MMA

During this hiatus I've stopped lifting and taken up MMA, primarily jiu jitsu/submission grappling.

I have narcolepsy, so recovery and focus is a tremendous challenge for me, but I realized after a short time how well-equipped I was for dealing with these challenges through chemical aids and natural supplements.

My first thought was to go back to Rhodiola rosea, which has always drawn out tremendous focus and motivation for me in proper doses. This falls under the adaptogen category of supplements. My muscles seemed to recover faster and my perceived rate of exertion during training seemed to be tremendously reduced. Naturally, this wasn't enough for me.

Looking further into options that go well with Rhodiola, I settled on Cordyceps powder and Ashwaghanda, both well known to have pro-cognitive and athletically beneficial effects, especially Cordyceps with it's renowned boost in endurance.

The trouble at first was high quality sourcing(done after a few tries) and a delivery method, since shoveling 3g of powder into my mouth every morning became unattractive very quickly.

Right now I'm looking at turning this into a product with a few other ingredients, but interest trends are low so I'm looking into pivoting on this to better options.

Still, never stop innovating your own biology; you'll have it til you die.