Monday, January 5, 2015

New Project - SARMs, Steroids, and more

New contributor here.  I have several cycles of SARMs and designer steroids under my belt already, and I'd like to share that knowledge with anyone who comes across this blog.

First, a short explanation of SARMs:
In many of the cells that make up your body, there are "androgen receptors" floating around, waiting to find something to bind to them, to trigger androgenic expression, which can occur in many ways; muscle growth, bone growth, hair growth, hair loss, and many other ways.

SARMs are a class of drug that Selectively interacts with (Modulates) the Androgen Receptors that bring about skeletal muscle growth, avoiding as many side effects as possible by way of reduced binding affinity in certain types of cells, and enhanced expression in other cells.  Ergo, SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator)

A traditional tetracyclic steroid structure fits too readily into receptors, so for most SARMs, that has been abandoned. A deviant molecular structure isn't necessary though.  Some lists count tren as a SARM because of its high androgenicity in muscles and fat, but its negligible impact on prostate growth and health markers.

As you already know, biologically there is no free lunch: good effects come with drawbacks.  However, this class of drug has the highest benefit ratio of any I've ever seen.  In individual writeups I'll be forthcoming with warnings of side effects, but they're all so transient and mild that being honest causes skepticism.

These drugs vs steroids, you can guess that the effects will be less dramatic than a cycle of testosterone, but the unparalleled safety in their use brings them back on the table for anyone who wants to hit their genetic limit quickly and maintain themselves there.

Since these are commercially available in most of the world, and steroids aren't, I'll be explaining these first.

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