Thursday, January 29, 2015


In the world of fitness drugs, goals can be condensed well enough into 3 categories that drugs aim to impact: endurance, muscularity, and fat mass. I used some problem solving techniques often found in business to decide what goal I wanted to devote a sizeable amount of my research budget to.  During that thought experiment, I realized that building endurance in a way that takes you from novice to functional athlete would be a massive value to me, much more than another 50 pounds on my squat or another 4-6 pounds of muscle.  Having settled on my goal of compressing a massive mount of cardio progress into a nearly effortless month, and as a bonus, seeing mild fat mass reduction, I decided to personally research GW501516. 

This drug brought itself a lot of controversy after trials in rats showed it is massively carcinogenic, and to this day fearmongers and supplement peddlers decry its usage, warning people that they will surely die horrible if they take this.  That stance has more than a few glaring problems, the biggest of which is as follows:

If it causes cancer in humans on a scale comparable to its effects in rats, then where is the cancer? Where are the tumor-ridden recreational users?

Plenty of info explaining why this is nothing to fear is available on the Internet, but to sum it all up, this particular PPAR pathway works totally different in humans than it does in rats. Also, the method of detecting cancer was flawed, incredibly flawed. From the abstract I read, their way of deciding what cells were cancerous was along the lines of testing if something was wet and deciding that if it is wet, then it must be water.  They only observed a certain kind of cell activity, one that GW1516 stimulates.  There may well not even be cancer causing side effects in rats either.

I got good and lazy and at like a slob for a short time, a gross high-everything diet as far as my macros. My resting heart rate was 73 a week ago.  Last night, 4 doses of 10mg, my resting heart rate was 65-66.  I wake up full of energy, my sleep pattern is much more stable and I feel more rested after any given amount of sleep.

If cardio kills you and you need to get good at it in a hurry, drop $40 on some GW.

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Project - SARMs, Steroids, and more

New contributor here.  I have several cycles of SARMs and designer steroids under my belt already, and I'd like to share that knowledge with anyone who comes across this blog.

First, a short explanation of SARMs:
In many of the cells that make up your body, there are "androgen receptors" floating around, waiting to find something to bind to them, to trigger androgenic expression, which can occur in many ways; muscle growth, bone growth, hair growth, hair loss, and many other ways.

SARMs are a class of drug that Selectively interacts with (Modulates) the Androgen Receptors that bring about skeletal muscle growth, avoiding as many side effects as possible by way of reduced binding affinity in certain types of cells, and enhanced expression in other cells.  Ergo, SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator)

A traditional tetracyclic steroid structure fits too readily into receptors, so for most SARMs, that has been abandoned. A deviant molecular structure isn't necessary though.  Some lists count tren as a SARM because of its high androgenicity in muscles and fat, but its negligible impact on prostate growth and health markers.

As you already know, biologically there is no free lunch: good effects come with drawbacks.  However, this class of drug has the highest benefit ratio of any I've ever seen.  In individual writeups I'll be forthcoming with warnings of side effects, but they're all so transient and mild that being honest causes skepticism.

These drugs vs steroids, you can guess that the effects will be less dramatic than a cycle of testosterone, but the unparalleled safety in their use brings them back on the table for anyone who wants to hit their genetic limit quickly and maintain themselves there.

Since these are commercially available in most of the world, and steroids aren't, I'll be explaining these first.